If you are a new or continuing student undertaking a nationally recognised training course you need a USI in order to receive your qualification or statement of attainment.
If you don’t have a USI you will not receive your qualification or statement of attainment.
Your USI will give you access to an online record of the training you have done since 1 January 2015. You will also be able to produce a comprehensive transcript of your training.
This can be used when applying for a job, seeking a credit transfer or demonstrating pre-requisites when undertaking further training.
Student Login
All students doing nationally recognised training need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).
The Unique Student Identifier or USI is a reference number made up of 10 numbers and letters that:
creates a secure online record of your recognised training and qualifications gained in Australia
gives you access to your training records and transcripts
The USI Transcript Service will allow Student’s with a USI to generate a transcript which collates all training details reported to the National VET Data Collection, from 1 January 2015, that are linked to their USI.
If a student would like to apply for Credit Transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning for some of their unit of competency they will need to give Contour College permission to view their USI Transcript.
You can allow Contour College to view your transcript online by logging into your USI account, clicking on the Manage Permissions tile and adding the organisations you want to give permission to view your transcript.